Moly D Aerosol
An aerosol high temperature solid film lubricant designed to withstand the highest pressures. It contains micron-sized molybdenum Disulfide. Extreme temperature ranges from –110F to as high as 1050F and pressures as high as 100,000 PSI are no problem for DRI-MOLY. It is unaffected by water, oils, alkalies and many acids. It doesn’t attract dirt making it ideal as an anti-corrosion coating for metals. It leaves a dry gray film that is difficult to remove. Makes an excellent anti-corrosion material for short-term protection against rust and corrosion. Engine rebuild shops, remanufacturers of`diesel engines, generators, starters and other parts, metal form assemblers, oilfield service companies(especially gun shops), as well as chain, bearing and hydraulic components service companies will all use this type of product. Reminder: When finished using, invert can and spray to clear the nozzle after each use.
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